Prepare with the Azure Certification Path PDF Document

The Azure Certification Path PDF proctored by Microsoft will help you decide which Azure certification path to follow and which exams you need to get there. So, if you have made it to this post you will be at the first stage of deciding which certification path is best for you. Whether your background is in infrastructure, networking, security or big data, the Azure certification path document will help you decide which route to take. 

Choosing which path to take is the critical first step in shaping your career. Becoming certified will help you in your personal career decision making, which could include choosing a new role, or determining what you are worth! If you are looking for a new role, take a look at our guide, How to get employed working with Azure in 2022.

The Azure Certification Path PDF

Accessing the PDF can be done at the following link: This short link will take you directly to the most up to date version of the document. 

There are 5 key areas that the document details, these are:

  • Azure
  • Microsoft 365
  • Dynamics 365
  • Power Platform
  • Security, Compliance and Identity
The exams themselves range from fundamental level exams to speciality exams and role-based exams. Fundamental exams will help you master the basics of the given subject, speciality exams will deepen your technical skills based on the solution the exam is defined for and roll-based exams will expand your technical skillset, again based on the subject the exam covers.

Lets dive a little deeper...

Now we know how to access the Azure certification path pdf document, let us take look at how it is formatted and understand it a little more.

Starting at the top, the document is broken down into sections based on the area covered below it, we listed the 5 key areas above.

Azure Certification path pdf header

Next, let us look under the Microsoft 365 heading. As you can see under Microsoft 365 there are 7 different certifications you can earn. The name of each certification indicates the difficulty level. Associate levels certifications are the next above fundaments (which are basic) and expert level certifications are the hardest. The star symbol also signifies it is an expert level certification.

Lastly, let us analyse the Enterprise Administrator Expert certification. You can see from the below there are 2 exams required to earn this certification, the first being the MS-100 (checkout my MS-100 study guide if you plan on taking this exam) and the MS-101 exam.

You may also notice the padlock symbol at the bottom right. This means there is a pre-requisite certification you need to earn before you take the 2 exams mentioned. In this instance, we can look at the Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert certification page to determine which certification we need to pass first.

Prerequisite certifications

As you can see, there are 5 different certifications you can choose from, you only need to earn 1 out of the 5, before moving on to the 2 exams.

Need help getting started?

If you need help with where to start, you can begin with check out my Complete Azure Training and Online Learning Guide. In this guide, I cover some great Azure books available to purchase from Amazon and many other paid and FREE Azure training content. 

If you looking to take a Microsoft exam for Free, check out my How to get free Microsoft exam certifications guide where I list all the different methods you can use to take free Microsoft certifications.

Study Guides!

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

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