Earlier this year, shortly after release, I completed the MS-220 Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Online exam. It was a great, speciality exam that is aimed at those who are able to understand the details of any Microsoft Exchange Online issue and interact with peers who work with related technologies.
So here is my MS-220 Exam Feedback. Just a warning… I will not be sharing any information on the questions within the exam, as per the candidate’s agreement with Microsoft. But I will be sharing my experience on the MS-220 exam and also how I feed the exam was weighted in regards to the content.
If this is your first time coming to my website, you will find a wealth of study guides for many Microsoft and Azure exams. Be sure to check out my study guide for the MS-220 exam here: MS-220 Study Guide: Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Online.
My other helpful posts:
MS-220 Exam Feedback
For the exam, I was given 50 questions and a 150-minute time limit which is fairly standard for most Microsoft and Azure exams. There were no labs in my exam and all questions were in the usual formats: Multiple-choice, drag and drop, fill in the blanks etc… You should however ensure you are prepared for performance-based testing (or labs) as your experience may differ from mine.
There were really no overbearing questions, most of them were short and sweet and maybe a couple of sentences long at most, with the exception of the case studies, of which there were 2. Again nothing we probably do not already know.
I feel the exam was very heavy on the Hybrid scenarios, contrary to the 10-15% advertised by Microsoft in the skills outline. It was also very heavy on compliance, which does match up with what is advertised. So if you are not familiar with everything Exchange Hyrbid and compliance, definitely study up on them areas.
I know for a fact I totally bombed some of the yes/no questions you cannot return to, but all lessons learned… make sure you really take the time to read the questions, otherwise, once you move on, you may find the next question, invalidates the last or visa versa.
Overall 70% of the questions I found quite easy, but that is just thanks to the fact I work on Exchange Online and Exchange on-premise daily and perform migrations between the two (back and forth…) quite often. The remaining 30% I struggled on was mostly around compliance… but that is the problem with working for a service provider who resolves that problem with 3rd party products.
Lastly, I want to say, if you have never worked with Exchange on-premise or managed hybrid scenarios, this exam is not for you! or at the very least try and get involved in hybrid Exchaneg before you look at this exam.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you have any queries or specific questions on the MS-220 exam make sure you leave them below and I will endeavour to reply asap. I hope my feedback either encourages you to go a book the exam yourself or assists you with your study for passing, along with my study guide list above.