SqlErrorNumber=40532 Unable to login to Azure SQL DB​ Solved

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  • Post last modified:August 7, 2023
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SqlErrorNumber=40532 Unable to login to Azure SQL DB​

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to resolve SQL error 40532. I came across this error myself and I noticed there was no guidance on resolving, which is what encouraged me to write this post.

Users occasionally may be unable to login to their Azure SQL DB via SQL Management Studio (SMSS), leading to an error like the following:

Cannot connect to SQL Database: ‘assignment10server.database.windows.net’, Database: ‘mysqldatabase’, User: ‘*********’. Check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database firewall allows the integration runtime to access. Cannot open server “16” requested by the login. The login failed., SqlErrorNumber=40532,Class=20,State=1

There are a couple of scenarios where you would find the requirement of using a certain explicit syntax in the username. 

1. You are connecting to your SQL instance via the Azure instance name *databasename*.database.windows.net.

2. You are connecting via the IP address of your SQL instance, although this is not recommended as the IP address may change.

In both scenarios you want to append @*servername* to your username (*Servername* being the name of your SQL server). 

For Example, if your server is named QICKSQLSVR01 you would use the format [email protected]@QICKSQLSVR01 when connecting via the Azure instance name and user@QICKSQLSRV01 when connecting via the IP address. 

Why is this needed?

In the first scenario SMSS is looking at the username provided in the full FQDN format [email protected]. SMSS thinks this is the server name and as such it needs to be over written by appending @servername to the username.

Similar to the first scenario when using an IP address, the IP address is proving the gateway of which you are connecting to but not identification of the server which you need to connect to. This is resolved in the same fashion. 

Thank you for reading! If you have any comments on questions please leave them below and I endeavour to do my best to reply to every one.

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

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