Report Microsoft Entra License Utilisation with PowerShell

License utilisation is a new reporting feature in the Microsoft Entra admin portal which enables admins to get a glance of the number of licenses they have available and the number of licenses they are using, both for Microsoft Entra ID Plan 1 and Microsoft Entra ID plan 2 licenses, as reported in a recent Microsoft announcement.

Hopefully, this should prompt admins to either increase or reduce potential license spend depending on utilisation. In most cases, this will likely highlight areas where users may be using premium feature but may not be assigned a premium license. Something that Microsoft does not condone, but also does not yet enforce.. (or at-least it the feature should expand to this asap…)

View license utilisation in the Microsoft Entra admin portal

To view the license utilisation report from the Microsoft Entra admin portal, follow the steps below.

1. Log in to

2. Expand Identity > Monitoring & health, then select Usage & insights.

3. Under the Manage heading, select License utilization.

License utilisation report
License utilisation report

Extract license utilisation report information with Microsoft Graph PowerShell

If you are looking for a programmatic approach to obtaining the same information, you can use Microsoft Graph PowerShell.

Start by connecting to Microsoft Graph PowerShell and consenting to the Reports.Read.All permission.

Connect-MgGraph -Scope Reports.Read.All

Then use the Invoke-MgGraphRequest cmdlet to obtain the information from the /reports/azureADPremiumLicenseInsight endpoint.

$Report = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET `
-Uri "/beta/reports/azureADPremiumLicenseInsight" -OutputType PSObject

You can now use dot notation to extract the information.

License utilisation report with PowerShell
License utilisation report with PowerShell

Wrapping up

This feature is currently in its infancy.. during the public preview, only being able to view Conditional Access user numbers and risk-based Conditional Access users numbers only provides minimal value (if any) to us administrators.

However, Microsoft are on the right track. If and when this feature is expanded, it could be a useful tool to help monitoring and maintain licensing compliance across a tenant.

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

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