List All Available Microsoft Store Apps in Intune with PowerShell

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to use Microsoft Graph PowerShell to view all of the available applications you can deploy with the new Microsoft Store experience in Microsoft Intune. Doing so will help you identify the information your need to deploy new Microsoft Store applications through the command line.

Microsoft recently released the new Microsoft Store experience in Intune which simplifies the admin experience in deploying applications to end user devices from the Microsoft Store. 

Where previously integration what needed between the old Microsoft Store for Business and Intune, this is no longer necessary as the store apps are baked into the Intune experience.


In order to run the commands in this tutorial you must ensure the following:

How to list all available Microsoft Store applications with PowerShell

1. Open PowerShell and Import the Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement module.

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement

2. Select the ‘beta’ Microsoft Graph profile.

Select-MgProfile -Name Beta

3. Connect to Microsoft Graph and specify the ‘DeviceManagementApps.Read.All’ permission scope. Running the command will launch an interactive login prompt, you must sign in and check the box the consent to the required permissions.

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes DeviceManagementApps.Read.All

4. Use the ‘Get-MgDeviceAppMgtMobileApp’ cmdlet to list available applications from the Microsoft Store.


5. You can use the ‘Format-List’ cmdlet to list all attributes for all available applications.

Get-MgDeviceAppMgtMobileApp | FL

How to filter and search for applications

Unfortunately, just using the ‘Get-MgDeviceAppMgtMobileApp’ and the ‘FL’ cmdlet will provide us a lot of detailed information which will be hard to sort through. In order to filter and limit the results, with can search and filter for specific applications and attributes.

To select specific attributes for applications, you can use the select parameter. This will allow you to choose to view specific attributes from your results.

For example, to list the application name, name of the publisher, the published state, the ID and if it is assigned, you can use the below command.

Get-MgDeviceAppMgtMobileApp |`
select DisplayName, Publisher, PublishingState, Id, IsAssigned

The results should look like the below:

Select application attributes
Select application attributes

In order to filter the results to only application that includes a specific string on test in a attribute, we can use the ‘Where-Object’ cmdlet.

For example, if we want to view all applications that are published by Microsoft, we can run the following:

Get-MgDeviceAppMgtMobileApp |`
select DisplayName, Publisher, PublishingState, Id, IsAssigned |`
Where-Object {$_.Publisher -Like "Microsoft*"}

The results can then be filtered one step further using the -and operator, the below script will list all apps where the publisher and the application display name includes the word ‘Microsoft’. 

Get-MgDeviceAppMgtMobileApp |`
select DisplayName, Publisher, PublishingState, Id, IsAssigned |`
Where-Object {($_.Publisher -Like "Microsoft*") -and ($_.DisplayName -Like "Microsoft*")}

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Mohamed

    Hello, we are just deploying Intune on all devices of the company, and I am looking for a way to deploy a list of apps that are already in Microsoft Store app, via powershell.

    I know there is a way for win32 but this is gonna take lot of time to create a the intunewin file for each application and look for it’s Install and uninstall settup.

    Can you please help out?

    Thank you

    1. Daniel

      Hi Mohamed,

      Sure you can, here is an example:

      Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.CorporateManagement

      $params = @{
      “@odata.type” = “#microsoft.graph.winGetApp”
      categories = @(
      description = “adobe”
      developer = “”
      displayName = “Adobe Acrobat Reader DC”
      informationUrl = “”
      isFeatured = $false
      roleScopeTagIds = @(
      notes = “”
      owner = “”
      privacyInformationUrl = “”
      publisher = “Adobe Inc.”
      packageIdentifier = “XPDP273C0XHQH2”
      repositoryType = “microsoftStore”
      manifestHash = “wingetv1:+EM3mr3bOKTLlr8ifQWl8hEc+DssxjNdhodfg03B46w=”

      New-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementMobileApp -BodyParameter $params

      You will just then need to assign the apps to your groups.

      You should check out my post here>

  2. Jon

    This doesn’t appear to show all apps from the azure store.

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