The new Microsoft Certification Dashboard is your one stop shop to accessing all of your Microsoft exam and certification information. You can access your exam history, such as your transcripts, your certifications and your certification renewals all from one place. As well as being built into your Microsoft Learn profile, you also have all of the online learning modules at your fingertips.
What is the Microsoft Certification Dashboard?
The Microsoft Certification Dashboard is now a section integrated within your Microsoft Learn profile. The dashboard contains a full listing of your currently active certifications, past exam attempts (passed and fails) and past renewal assessments. The dashboard will also inform you when your exam expire and prompt you to renew them within 6 months of the expiry date.
From the dashboard you can also download the certificates for your certifications and share a public link to your profile with friends and colleagues.
How to access the new Certification Dashboard
If you are not already aware, Microsoft announced that they moved away from the old certification dashboard at the end of June 2022. I made a separate post detailing the change and an FAQ on what you should know for the transition here:
How to use the new Microsoft Certification Dashboard
The new Microsoft Certification dashboard is now built into your Microsoft Learn profile. You can access it by the following:
2. Click on the user icon at the top right of the page and select profile.
3. On the left hand menu, you have the option to view your certifications or your exam transcript
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