How to Install PowerShell 7 on Windows 10 and 11

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  • Post category:Main
  • Post last modified:April 2, 2023
  • Reading time:7 mins read

PowerShell 7 is a new cross-platform and open-source version of PowerShell that runs side-by-side with the previous PowerShell version 5.1. This means that when you install PowerShell 7, it does not upgrade your existing version, but instead appears as its own individual application on your system.

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can install PowerShell 7 either directly from the command line or by downloading the MSI installer, focusing on the Windows operating system.


Being a separate application from the previous version of PowerShell (version 5.1) there is no need at this point to fully migrate to PowerShell 7. 

Although, with that being said, PowerShell has many improvements over its predecessor and you may find that many scripts you previously created in the older versions of PowerShell, will run fine in PowerShell 7 and even with improved performance.

Benefits of using PowerShell 7

PowerShell 7 is easy to use and easy to install. It will also install to a separate location within your operating system meaning the changes you make within PowerShell 7 will not impact your existing installations of PowerShell. Many other benefits include:

  • Improved performance
  • Cross-platform
  • Supports SSH remoting
  • Supports use on Docker containers
  • Additional features including Null operators, string highlighting and concise error views

PowerShell 7 install location

By default, PowerShell 7 is installed at the following location:

C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7

If you cannot find the PowerShell\7 folder at that location, it may be that your environment variables are not default, run the following command to check where the installation folder may be located:

get-childitem env:ProgramFiles

PowerShell 7 modules location

PowerShell 7 stores its modules in a separate location compared to previous versions of PowerShell. However both locations are combined into the PsModulePath variable, so when you import a module into PowerShell 7, it checks all PowerShell module locations, including the previous versions of PowerShell.

You can run the following command to list all the module locations used by PowerShell 7:

$Env:PSModulePath -split (';')

You results will looks like the following:

PowerShell 7 modules location
PowerShell 7 modules location

Bear in mind from the screenshot, this demonstrates that the environment variables may not be the same for everyone, below is what you may expect to see:

C:\Users \<user>\Documents\PowerShell\Modules
C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules
c:\program files\powershell\7\Modules
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
C:\Program Files\SharePoint Online Management Shell\

Check which version of PowerShell you have installed

To check which version of PowerShell you have installed, open PowerShell on your workstation and type the following command: $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

$PSVersionTable.PSVersion v5
$PSVersionTable.PSVersion v5

You can see from the screenshot, I am running version 5.1 and I intend to install PowerShell 7.

Install PowerShell 7

Start by opening your current version of PowerShell as an administrator, then run the following command to download and install the latest version of PowerShell 7 from the official GitHub repository.

iex "& { $(irm } -UseMSI"

When the installation wizard launches, click Next.

PowerShell 7 setup wizard
PowerShell 7 setup wizard

Choose the installation folder (I recommend leaving as the default) and click Next.

Destination folder
Destination folder

Leave the Optional Actions page as default and click Next.

Options actions
Options actions

I recommend you leave the update options as default and then click Next.

Update options
Update options

Lastly, click Install.

Install PowerShell 7
Install PowerShell 7

Once the installation completes, close your existing PowerShell window and search for PowerShell 7 in your start menu. 

Search for PowerShell 7
Search for PowerShell 7

Open PowerShell 7 to confirm the installation was successful.

Download the PowerShell 7 MSI installer

You can also install PowerShell 7 with the MSI installation package which can make deployment more flexible for remote or centrally managed computers. 

Download the MSI package here:



Alternatively, you can check the current releases page on GitHub, select the latest version of PowerShell 7 and scroll down to the Assets sections to download the installation files.

PowerShell Assets
PowerShell Assets

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

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