Does Microsoft Azure Require Coding Skills?

You do not need coding skills to use Microsoft Azure. The Microsoft Azure web portal provides all the functionality you need to manage your cloud infrastructure without previous coding experience. 

If you are interested in learning Microsoft Azure, or are already a seasoned Azure Administrator, but have previously had no experience with coding. It may be worthwhile to pick up a new skill!

What coding languages does Azure support?

Azure supports different coding languages to complete different tasks. Let’s take a look at what they are. 

Azure PowerShell

Azure PowerShell is a collection of PowerShell cmdlets that allow you to completely manage your Azure resources. All of the major services within Azure have cmdlets available, meaning anything you can do in the Azure portal, can be done with Azure PowerShell.

Installing the Azure PowerShell cmdlet’s is easy. Start by opening PowerShell and change the execution policy to remote signed. 

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

You then use the Install-Module cmdlet to install the Az PowerShell module. 

Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force

Azure CLI

Azure CLI, alternatively to PowerShell, is a cross-platform solution to manage your Azure resources.  To use Azure CLI you must open a shell program, such as CMD on Windows or Bash to Linux to Mac. You can then issue the Azure CLI commands to perform an action.

As well as running locally, Azure CLI also runs on Azure Cloud Shell, which can be used to manage your resources through a web browser of your choice.

The latest release of Azure CLI can be downloaded at the following locations:

Supported Languages for Azure Functions

Azure Functions allow you to run automated scripting tasks, directly from within Azure without the need for a server or maintaining infrastructure. This means you can simply focus on your code without any additional burden. 

You can use Azure Functions to automate deployments of infrastructure with code, run scheduled tasks, process file uploads, process data and much more. 

Azure Functions support the following languages

  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • F#
  • Java
  • PowerShell
  • Python
  • TypeScript

How Do I Learn Azure Coding Skills?

There is an overwhelming amount of information and programs online you can use to learn how to code for Azure. Let me break down the 2 key skills you should focus your time on and what additional resources you should use to study. 

Focus on PowerShell and Azure CLI!

Both languages are fundamental if you want to start managing your infrastructure with code. That is whether you want to become a solutions expert, Azure Administrators or start with Azure DevOps. Even if you decide to use 3rd party tools to manage your infrastructure, PowerShell or Azure CLI will likely be the fundamental language that is underneath.

Free Online Learning Resources

Microsoft Learn – Automate Azure tasks using scripts with PowerShellThis free online module from Microsoft will help you with installing Azure Powershell on Windows, Linux or Mac OS, connecting to your subscription and creating resources. 

Microsoft Learn – Control Azure services with the CLI – This free online module from Microsoft will help you with; installing the Azure CLI, working with the Azure CLI and helping create your first web app with the Azure CLI.

Additional Azure Training resources

We have compiled and regularly maintain a large list of our favourite free and paid Azure training resources to help you develop your Azure skills and certify in Azure. The list also includes resources you can use to help you with Azure Coding.

Check it out here:


Thank you for reading our article on Does Microsoft Azure Require Coding Skills. We hope to have helped you understand how code is used within Microsoft Azure, its importance and whether using code to manage your infrastructure is right for you.

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

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