AZ-104 Exam Practice Questions From Microsoft

These AZ-104 Exam Practice Questions are designed to emulate the style and difficulty of the questions you will find in the Azure Administrator exam. They have been designed by Microsoft to help you become familiar with how the exam is structured and to prepare for the level of difficulty the exam offers.

“These questions are not the same as what you will see on the exam nor is this document illustrative of the length of the exam or its complexity (e.g., you may see additional question types, multiple case studies, and possibly labs). These questions are examples only to provide insight into what to expect on the exam and help you determine if additional preparation is required.”

How to I access the Free AZ-104 Exam Questions?

You can view the free question here:

These questions were not written by myself, but are directly from the AZ-104 Exam summary page on the Microsoft website.

There are 20 questions (including a case study) that you can practise with. Each question is multiple choice and may require you to select 1 or 2 answers.

Will these AZ-104 Exam Questions help me pass the exam?

I can’t guarantee they will help you pass the exam. But what I can say is that they will definitely help you prepare for the exam. It will do this both by mentally preparing you for the style of question you may get during the full exam and by helping you assess your technical readiness.

My big bit of advice is when taking practise questions or exams, do not cheat! they are useful to help you assess how technically ready you are for the full exam. By understanding your weak points you can help focus your training and pass the first time!

Additional AZ-104 Study Resources


Thank you for taking the time to read our post. We hope it has been helpful and you are one step further to your goals after preparing with these AZ-104 Exam Questions.

Daniel Bradley

My name is Daniel Bradley and I work with Microsoft 365 and Azure as an Engineer and Consultant. I enjoy writing technical content for you and engaging with the community. All opinions are my own.

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